For eight years I was the only child of a single parent and I built a world out of photographs. I would piece together my family history through the photo albums my grandma so generously organized, captioned, and dated. Through those photographs I got to know family I would never meet, experience celebrations that took place before I was born, and see stories that were lost to memory.
When I was eight my family grew in size to include an awesome new dad, a beautiful baby sister, and a rambunctious little brother was shortly to follow. At twelve years old I set out on a journey to create the coolest Myspace and Facebook profile pictures I could; and if nothing else they were definitely original. Around the same time, I developed an interest in both art and the natural world. I would often "borrow" my mom or grandma's camera for days at a time, and it became common knowledge that if something could be used as an instrument of creation, or destruction, and it went missing, then I likely had it. From there I moved on to the preforming arts.
In high school, though I could often be spotted with a camera in hand taking photos for the yearbook, I dedicated most of my time to debate, choir, and theater. After playing a few lead roles and preforming in at least eight shows, I concluded that I preferred to work in creative roles outside of the spotlight. In recent years, I have worked on the production of three music videos and I have photographed numerous events, concerts, and products.
Since moving to Portland I have been inspired to make photography my full-time career and continue capturing my, and hopefully your, best moments in life.